Assalamualaikum and selamat sejahtera.. one smile please :)

My name is Raja Nur Arinah Bt Raja Raja Ariff. I am a student of Science Education in UPSI. This blog is created in order to fulfill my teaching portfolio for ICT for Science subject. The lecturer in charge is Prof dr Sopia Md Yasin and our instructor will be Cik Suziati Ibrahim. Hope to learn all new good things from them. I feel very thankful that Allah gives me the chance to take this subject of ICT for Science. Thus open my mind to a broader knowledge and understanding of computer technologies. Hopefully, this subject will help me to become a much better educator for upcoming future. I hope all my class partners willing to read all the posts written and please kindly leave your comments.. This is also my first time typing formal greeting for my welcome note in my blog. Such a wonderful experience actually, to have our feeling expressed right??? .. huhuhuhu.. a phrase for all of you.. DONT STOP AT THE TOP.. REACH THE SKY BEFORE YOU aja2 fighting!

Before Our Eyes Closed... Love Yourself...Be honest... Earth is not the end.. Musabaqah...

Saturday 24 December 2011

Reflection- Experiences in ICT Class

Alhamdulillah, I have learned so many good things along the 14 weeks given for this course. My first impression on this course, it acts as a site that will educate teachers on how to improve the use of ICT in teaching and learning. At first, I really thought that I can easily handle this class and the assignments given will not be a major problem since I love to use computer. I also used to many of its applications. In the early weeks, we have been told by Dr. Sofia that there are two latest technologies that we need to master for this subject. It is the interactive white board and data logger.Now that is called a challenge!. I felt a little anxious at that time because,it is not just I do not know how to use both of these, i do not even heard of their names before.Poor me :(
Before learning about both of these technologies, we are exposed to the Problem Based Learning. (PBL). In my opinion, it is a very effective learning technique. This is because we as students can learn about the issues in detail. Method that involves discussion between team mates and finding information make us gain so much knowledge not only to the given issue but to others.

One of the primary features of Problem-Based Learning is that it is student-centered.  “Student-centered” refers to learning opportunities that are relevant to the students, the goals of which are at least partly determined by the students themselves.  This does not mean that the teacher abdicates her authority for making judgments regarding what might be important for students to learn; rather, this feature places partial and explicit responsibility on the students’ shoulders for their own learning.  Creating assignments and activities that require student input presumably also increases the likelihood of students being motivated to learn. A common criticism of student-centered learning is that students, as novices, cannot be expected to know what might be important for them to learn, especially in a subject to which they appear to have no prior exposure.  The literature on novice-expert learning does not entirely dispute this assertion; rather, it does emphasize that our students come to us, not as the proverbial blank slates, but as individuals whose prior learning can greatly impact their current learning (Scardamalia, Bereiter, 1991) .  Often they have greater content and skill knowledge than we (and they) would expect.  In any case, whether their prior learning is correct is not the issue.  Whatever the state of their prior learning, it can both aid and hinder their attempts to learn new information.  It is therefore imperative that instructors have some sense of what intellectual currency the students bring with them.  One way to determine this is by being witness to how students go about addressing intellectual challenges, especially those that seem at variance with their current understanding.  Active, interactive, and collaborative learning, on which Problem-Based Learning is based, allows an instructor the rare opportunity to observe students’ learning processes. The context for learning in PBL is highly context-specific.  It serves to teach content by presenting the students with a real-world challenge similar to one they might encounter were they a practitioner of the discipline.  Teaching content through skills is one of the primary distinguishing features of PBL.  More commonly, instructors introduce students to teacher determined content via lecture and texts.  After a specific amount of content is presented, students are tested on their understanding in a variety of ways.  PBL, in contrast, is more inductive: students learn the content as they try to address a problem.
The two issues that we discussed are the implementation of the Smart School at the school and cyber crime in Malaysia. For the first issue, the implementation of the Smart School at the school. In my opinion, it should be implemented in a comprehensive way in every school. Each school in the urban areas and remote communities should be given equal opportunity to feel the technology facilities. Intellectual gap between students in both areas should be reduced. However, it is not easy to implement this concept. It requires a large budget because it involves the use of computers, LCD projectors, and so on. If all the provisions for the Smart School is available, another challenges are in terms of teachers' willingness and readiness of students to apply the new things in life, and it also involves expertise in the use of ICT. If all government facilities are not used to the way it should, this means that the country suffered a huge loss because the capital invested for the implementation of the IWB is not equivalent to the birth of the products (first class students) as what we desired.
The second issue is about cyber crime.
Long ago, cyber crime is alien to us, since the use of technology is not too robust and so the number of users. The national development and progress of information technology has prompted the government to focus on the implementation of ICT projects. This is due to today’s world which demands the sharing of information, particularly to expedite trade relations at the global level such as using the internet for marketing and booking goods on-line. Many people's knowledge in the field of computing now become a necessity and so also people trying to learn so as not to left behind in this fast growing technology.
However, technological progress has also yielded a challenge to the country due to increasing rate of cyber crime. Nowadays, no matters for professional or otherwise, many of us become victims of negligence. Cyber crime cases were reported almost every day, especially frauds that cause money loss. There are many types of cyber crime, cheating to gain money is just one example of thousand cases, not to mention case of rape on the first day of meetings or transfer of illegal money from the victim's bank account.
Due to rapid technological advancements, people are not aware that the service of social websites or chat rooms they visit actually been used by cyber criminals to find victims. Heavy usage of mobile phones, e-mail, chat forums or social networks as a site for communication is like giving wide chances for cyber criminals to do their easy-to-hide crimes. Strangely, although some victims have never been face to face with the perpetrator, they are willing to meet or trust the unknown person easily without thinking the negative impact that might happen.
Since computing and the Internet is widely used around the world, it has become a global threat.Therefore the information security aspects should be considered in the implementation of ICT projects. Today scenario has shown that cyber crime is increasing and giving threats to the organisations. These threats may come in many forms without being noticed by the user. Invasion of the web sites become more serious so that the organizational management must be extra vigilant to protect the system from unwanted attacks. In this era of information and communication technology (ICT), the cyber crime arises to be another symptom of immorality. It quietly spread like cancer to the world community. The worrying thing is that, the era of high civilization and technological advancement is no longer able to block the cyber criminals. A while ago, we often heard in school about discipline problems involving groups of students who bully other students, then around the 1990's road bullies abounded and now the more severe conditions in accordance with the sophistication of telecommunications technology on bullying activities seeps into the cyber world.
            Throughout this, we get to know details on cyber crime. From the external and physical point, a very close cooperation is needed from all parties to address the crime locally and globally because it is not something easy to manage. The most important thing is the individual consciousness about the moral values that have been thought ​​since we are small. Never get stuck with something that is embarrassing to our family, race and religion, such as cyber crime.
Next is my opinion on the Interactive White Board. At the beginning, I think that to present a subtopic, it is much more effective and appropriate to use the Microsoft Power Point because it can be handled easily and does not require a lot of work. Students also can participate in learning activities provided in the slide. But in fact, IWB involves more use of different animations which are very interesting and what's the most important, students directly can touch the screen to answer the questions or activity provided. Currently, the IWB is not available in any school because it involves a large allocation.

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